Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Happy B'day Mom

Oh my mom,Oh my mom,
On your b'day
first time i am not at home
I wish if i could be there,
to celebrate your b'day just like a fair
But i am in true despair,
with you to be there
No matter wherever i be,
I love you the best as anyone could be
I gaze upon the calender everyday,
just to see when would be the day
But you don't need to be sad,
because with you is my dad
I know you are the best,
and without you i am unrest
You are my best friend,
so I can't leave you in any trend
You have magic in your hands,
that along with my fingers i lick my wrist bands
So I would just say always be there,
with me whenever i need you here or there.....:)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's wonderfully written.........I could just relate to the emotions in the poem! Very Well Done Gullo! (That's what Priyanka calls you if I am right?)

  3. A Lovely Poem!!and a very lovely way of expression!!:)
